About us image

About us image

ThinkGov was founded by Peter Buchanan BA, MSc, CEng, FBCS, CITP

ThinkGov provides consultancy to public sector bodies, their suppliers, and social enterprises in making effective and efficient use of Information Technology. We specialise in helping clients develop a strategy (including innovation), moving on to assist with procurement and facilitate change.

In recent years web site development and support has grown at the expense of consultancy. The web sites vary from those where users are trained to manage their own content to others where we make the changes.

We have an customer friendly business model, no payment until the web site is completed to their satisfaction.

Peter has over 30 years experience as an advisor and consultant to central government organisations and to EDS, a key supplier to government e.g. slides (see left or below) used with OGC.

His career has included leading and partnering with civil servants on several innovative and award winning projects including iForm and the Jobbank (both winners of the Government Computing innovation award). Whilst at EDS he created and ran their eGovernment consulting practice.

Peter has a solid base of experience to draw on including envisaging, shaping, contracting for, architecting, developing, testing and implementing large and small public sector projects.

Peter was also a Director of Saving from Poverty and was Chair of the Membership Board Policy Committee of the BCS where he has led the development of rules for Member Groups www.bcs.org/groups/rules.

OGC slides used in joint presentations